We finally celebrated Chase's 5th birthday on Saturday with a bbq with our family.
Chase and I decided on making a rainbow cake- it was so much fun to make b/c all the kids helped and liked it a lot. Each layer actually has fruit in it, so it kinda tastes like a fruit loop cake. Perfect for kids! :)

(I am definitely no cake decorator, however)

Livvy was so excited and had asked for "cake" all day. She is getting the whole birthday thing down!
I had to snap a quick picture of the inside, even if it was a little messy...

Mama Kaye & Christina
After the party, the whole family went down to the pond to enjoy our town's firework show that end a week's long event of celebration and activities.

Me & Livvy
The grounds were packed. Lots of people and fun!

Sommer & Paris
My brother, Scott and his girlfriend, Lanee'
Waiting and hanging out...
Luckily we had musical entertainment before the fireworks.

The fireworks were so great and it was lots of fun to be together. :)
Chase had a whole fun filled day. It was awesome and well worth the wait!
I love the fireworks show over the pond!! How fun! Sommer cut her hair--tell her she looks beautiful! Hope Chase had a happy day!
That is the cutest cake I have ever seen. How fun! You will have to post the recipe.
Glad you've conquered it now so you can give us all the "how-to's" on making it look just as pretty:)
I can't wait to taste it!
Have I told you lately that I think you're the BEST?
Well, you are-
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