Unbelievably true...
Happy 10th Birthday Braydon!
( Isn't he just the cutest?)
Hard to believe that I have a child in the double digits. But I sure have loved each moment spent with my sweet, smart boy!

He still brings me flowers, hugs, kisses, and lots of laughs. I'm so sad to think half of his childhood has passed. It is such a reminder to me to cherish every moment. Each stage with Braydon has been such a joy, but It has gone by too quickly. Braydon on the other hand is so excited to be 10. What a big kid. :)
I hope all your wishes come true Braydon, because you are my wish come true! You are such a blessing! No one could ever have a greater son!
I love you, bud!
He still brings me flowers, hugs, kisses, and lots of laughs. I'm so sad to think half of his childhood has passed. It is such a reminder to me to cherish every moment. Each stage with Braydon has been such a joy, but It has gone by too quickly. Braydon on the other hand is so excited to be 10. What a big kid. :)
I love you, bud!
I know, I know.
There, there.
Lets do Thai. We'll commiserate over coconut soup about how old we are.
I love you-
And happy birthday big boy!
Happy Birthday to your handsome little :) Big guy!! Wow how time flys. Melissa, you truely are the sweetest mom!!
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