Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Birthday Surprises

Celebrating another birthday isn't all bad. :)  Wade took me to The Cheesecake Factory on Friday Night.  I got super yummy dulce de leche cheesecake.
He also surprised me with a new bike and trailer. I am so excited to be able to ride with my kids and get more exercise this summer!  I really have been wanting one but certainly didn't expect it.  Wade is so sweet.  He always does so much for birthdays.  He has such a big heart and I know he loves to make me happy!

I love it!  I think it is so cute!  I just love the color!  We have gone out on 2 rides so far and Livvy giggled the whole time.  It made me so happy! Today we went for a long ride all over town and around the pond. So fun!  (And a little exhausting too.  I am so not in good shape, yet!) It's still so chilly here, so I am so ready for it to warm up!  But, at least the sun was shining today. And the snow was melting!

I also want to give credit to my friend and neighbor, Natalen, who made me these darling cupcakes.  Ya can't make something so cute and not have it displayed somewhere, right?  They were so delicious too!  Just as good as they look!  Some people are so creative!

It's a good thing I got a bike with all the sugar I have been consuming!  Hopefully I can at least balance it out!
And I am so thankful to all my friends and family that gave me a phone call!  That really does make a birthday the best- just being thought of!  Thank you!

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