Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Global Chaserisms

Our conversations with Chase are enlightening and still entertaining.  He has so many ideas and plans for his life.  He already invited his primary teachers to his "museum" he is building.    
I laughed so hard when they told me that.  He is always collecting "stuff" for his museum and has a long list of other finds that are going to be in it.  He tells me I can come free any time I want.  Lol.
Here are a handful of current Chaserisms that I wrote down.  Love this kid. He's pretty special! :)

Me:   Chase, go wash your face so I can take your picture. (Easter)
Chase:  (Groan)... Can't you just edit it out?
Chase:   Mommy, you know what I think?  I believe there are other planets in other galaxies that can support life.
Chase:  Come on Livvy, let's build our time machine.
Mommy, "Is that submarine on TV an Alvin?
Me: What is an Alvin?
Chase: Didn't you know? Its a bathysphere submarine.
Me: Oh, umm...yeah. ;)
Chase:  Mommy, there's a yeti footprint in the yard.  (ya know, nonchalantly)
Chase:  Mommy, can we go to the pool for my birthday?
Me:  Sure, we can probably do that.
Chase: But its SOOOO hard!!!!!
Me: What is so hard?!
Chase:  I mean, I do want to go to the pool for my birthday, but I also want to go to the Amazon River!!! Its too hard to decide!
Me: Ummm.... Chase, it is'll have to be the pool.


One Sunday after church:

Chase: Daddy, can you drive me to Nigeria quick?

little paleontologist
He insisted on creating his own blog one night.  It is super cute.  I love how he spells things and doesn't use punctuations just yet.  That makes it the cutest.  So take a deep breath and read through it. :)


Maybe one day we'll go on one of these adventures he's planning.  Until then, I'll just enjoy the everyday ones.


Lori said...

I love these post about Chase. What a smart boy!

Donna said...

He's so smart and cute!