Here is my cute buddy. Such a good, smart boy. Always has his nose in a book and loves learning. Braydon loves games and he is enjoying his summer vacation so far. I think we all are!

I always look at him and think he is so handsome! I can't believe how fast he's grown. It is fun,however, that he is old enough to share interests with! We have the best time playing together on the computer. Sometime, I'll have to post his photo edits. He gets me laughing hysterically!!!

When my boys were gone for a couple of days, I actually REALLY missed having my Chaser (and Wade!) to snuggle with! I got very little sleep ( hence these photos) . It truly is a testament of how much I love having my guys at my side all the time!

I love these boys soooo much! I am so happy to have them!
Even when Chase told me the other day that I am as old as Methuselah! That's when I realized he's not my baby anymore, if he can make a joke like that!
1 comment:
Right you are about that whole kindred spirit thing. Of course I've known it all along!
You are quite a talent with the photo shop.
I love the one of Chase looking down-precious, precious.
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